The trawling fishing method continues to be widespread in many ports due to its efficiency and speed when catching fish. On the other hand it is an extremely devastating method, which affects the seabed and its ecosystem. For this reason, its legality is now being questioned.

The vessels leave port at 5am heading out to sea until they get to the spot where they drop their nets. The Captain, who studies the charts and seabed to find where there will be the most abundant catch, carefully plans each journey in advance.

They let the net sink to the bottom of the seabed where it is trawled for approximately three hours raking up everything in its path. The huge net is held open by two metal “doors” on the boat so that they catch everything they find in its course. In high season they carry out up to four trawling sessions per day.

Whilst the net is doing its job, the sailors use the time to sleep, eat or carry out other duties on board.

Once the first haul is on board they select the various types of fish, whilst the net continues to trawl the seabed.

Sometimes they find themselves in heavy storms, which make the work more difficult due to the sudden movements created by the strength of the waves.

The day ends with the recount of the day’s catch, which is then taken to the markets to be sold.